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“Learn Any Skill Faster and Better: How to Learn to Code, Play the Piano, Lift Weights, Speak French, Draw, Or Anything Else”

The ability to learn faster than others will give you a competitive edge in the 21st century economy.


Hi, I’m Marelisa Fábrega. I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., as well as a Juris Doctor from the Georgetown University Law Center (GULC). That’s a lot of formal schooling. But I didn’t stop learning once I left GULC. I’m an autodidact and a lifelong learner.

I take MOOCs on the best way to learn; I read books on the most effective ways to study and acquire skills; and I read blogs by experts on the topic. And, of course, I apply what I learn. Here are five skills I’ve taught myself quickly and efficiently by learning how to learn:

  • Weightlifting
  • French
  • Piano
  • Drawing
  • Coding (in Python)

How did I learn these skills? I took all the knowledge that I gathered while researching how to learn skills faster and more efficiently, and I created a learning system. I then tried out the learning system by learning weightlifting. The next step was to tweak and perfect the system by learning to code. Finally, I fine-tuned the system by learning French, piano, and drawing. Now I’m ready to share my system with you in a course titled:

“Learn Any Skill Faster and Better: How to Learn to Code, Play the Piano, Lift Weights, Speak French, Draw, Or Anything Else”

The course is now ready to be launched.

Announcing the Launch of the “Learn Any Skill Faster and Better” Video Course

Because success, and even survival, in today’s world requires constant growth and learning, lifelong learning must become a way of life for all of us. We need to be able to learn as rapidly as society progresses.

By learning how to learn you’ll be able to do all of the following:

  • Keep abreast of changes in your field and ensure that your knowledge doesn’t become outdated.
  • Learn skills that are adjacent to your area of expertise to become more valuable to your employer or become more marketable to prospective employers.
  • Achieve your goals in any life area: whether it’s starting a business; improving your health; keeping your brain active as you age; learning a new language; having more fun; and so on.

Learning skills well is dependent on four different areas:

  • Time Management and Productivity – making time to learn new skills and taking steps to ensure that you use that time productively.
  • Goal Achievement – the application of smart goals is an important part of learning new skills effectively.
  • Psychological Factors –procrastination, perfectionism, an inability to tolerate frustration, and other psychological factors need to be addressed if you want to learn new skills.
  • The Science of Rapid Skill Development –fortunately, science has identified ways in which we can better understand difficult subjects; increase retention; improve recall; practice more efficiently and effectively; and become better learners.

In my course, “Learn Any Skill Faster and Better”, I’ve taken these four areas and I’ve woven them together into a system, or framework, that you can apply to any skill you want to learn. In the course, I’m going to share this framework with you.

As you go through the course you won’t just be acquiring information. You’ll be using what you learn right away to learn a new skill. The process will be as follows:

  • At the start of the course you’ll be choosing a skill.
  • Then—as you go through the course and learn the framework—you’ll be applying what you learn to your chosen skill.

By the end of this course you’ll have a new skill in your toolkit. In addition, you’ll have a framework you’ll be able to apply over and over again to learn any skill of your choice.

What You’ll Be Getting

Learn Any Skill Faster and Better is comprised of ten modules, spanning two phases. The first is the Planning Stage–which is covered in the first five modules of the course. The second is the Execution Stage, which is covered in the last five modules.

Each module lasts for a week and consists of five sections. Each section comes with a video that lasts between ten and fifteen minutes, a transcript of the video, and one or more worksheets that will help you to complete the assignment of the day.

You’ll be dripped a video each weekday for the duration of the course.

What You’ll Be Learning

Learn Any Skill Faster and Better will guide you through a system for learning almost anything, faster and more effectively. But you won’t just be learning the theory of how to learn. As you go through the course, you’ll be applying what you learn to a skill of your choice, so that you’ll have learned that skill by the end of the course.

Each week will introduce a new topic, allowing you to build a system that interweaves goal setting, time management, self-regulation, and the science of better learning. With your system in place, you’ll be able to learn your chosen skill.

Here are the five modules of the Planning Stage:

  • Module One: Choose Your Skill and Craft a Project. To begin you’ll be guided through a process for choosing the skill that you’ll be learning. Then, you’ll be setting a goal for what you want to be able to achieve by learning your chosen skill, and you’ll make your goal actionable by crafting it into a project.
  • Module Two. Design a Learning Method. When you learn a subject in school, the teacher has designed a curriculum for you to follow. They decide what topics you’ll cover, what books you’ll be reading, the instructional strategy they’ll apply, and so on. When you’re a self-learner, you do this for yourself, which allows you to create a curriculum that is tailored for the achievement of your chosen goal. In this module I’ll show how to design your curriculum.
  • Module Three: Build a Learning System. In order to learn a skill, you have to make the time to learn it, adopt a learning habit, create the right learning environment, and choose a way to hold yourself accountable. That’s what you’ll be doing in this module.
  • Module Four: Construct a Productivity Plan. Make the most of the time that you’ll be spending learning the skill you’ve chosen by constructing a productivity plan that will allow you to overcome procrastination, stay focused, and manage your energy wisely.
  • Module Five: Chart a Self-Regulation Blueprint. To succeed in learning a new skill, you have to get your head in the game. In this module you’ll discover how to adopt the right mindset and beliefs, defeat perfectionism, overcome frustration, get over your fear of making mistakes, follow through, and more.

Next, you’ll go through the five modules of the Execution Phase.

  • Module Six. Apply Powerful Learning Tools. Learning a new skill is comprised of two different processes: learning and practicing. In this module you’ll discover how to learn effectively.
  • Module Seven. Practice the Right Way. For most people, “to practice” means to perform a skill regularly and repeatedly. However, in order to improve, you have to practice deliberately. This module will show you how.
  • Module Eight: Remember What You Learn. Your memory—both short term and long term—plays an important part in learning new skills. Fortunately, there are a number of strategies you can use to increase retention and enhance recall. In this module you’ll learn how to improve your memory and recall skills.
  • Module Nine. Take Your Learning Up a Notch. In this module you’ll discover more techniques to up your learning game.
  • Module Ten: Achieve Mastery. How far do you want to take your new skill? At the beginning of the course you chose a skill which you’re taking to the level of basic proficiency. In this module you’ll discover what to do if you want to keep going with the skill until reach your desired level of mastery.


Q: For how long will I have access to the course?

A: How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you’ll have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like.

Q: Will I have access to any future course updates?

A: Absolutely! You’ll have access to any updates that I make to the course, for free.

Q: Will I be able to access/retrieve the course material from my cellphone?

A: Yes. The course material will be available for you to access across any and all devices you own. You’ll be able to learn when and where you want.

Q: How much material comes with this course?

A: This course includes:

  • 10 Hours of On-Demand Video
  • Actionable Worksheets – Each section of the course comes with one or more worksheets so you can immediately apply everything you learn.
  • Transcripts of each video.

Q: What if I don’t find the course useful?

A: I want you to be happy with the course, so I offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

Q: What will I be able to do by the end of this course?

A: In a nutshell: you’ll be able to learn new skills much faster and more efficiently than you’re doing so now.

Q: Is this course really worth the price?

A: You tell me. What skills do you want to learn? What benefits will you gain if you learn those skills? Are those benefits worth more than the price of this course? If the answer is “yes”, then the course is worth the price.

Three Bonuses

The course comes with these three bonuses (which you’ll receive at the end of the course):

1. Laser-Like Focus and Concentration Mini-Course: Being able to focus is the new high IQ. After all, there’s a world of difference between spending an hour working in an unfocused state, and spending an hour with your concentration fully focused on what you’re doing. In this mini-course you’ll learn how to do the latter, so you can get more done in less time.

2. Read Better and Faster Mini-Ebook: I’m going to share something with you: speed-reading is a hoax. First, there’s a limit on how fast your eyes can move along a page. But, more importantly, your short-term memory–which is your information entryway, if you will– is limited and there’s only so much it can comprehend at one time. However, although there’s nothing you can do to read thousands of words per minute, there are strategies you can apply to read better and faster. I’ll be sharing those with you in this mini-ebook.

3. How to Learn from Video Courses Mini-Workshop: This is a great time to be alive. Why? In one word: MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). The best universities in the world are putting some of their most sought-after courses online, for free. Anyone can take advantage of them! But in order to take full advantage of these courses, you have to know how to learn from video courses. That’s what you’ll be discovering in this mini-workshop.

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P.S. What would you do if you could learn any skill faster and more efficiently? Learn that language? Acquire the skills necessary to qualify for a promotion at work? Start a side business?

P.S.S. Deciding to learn how to learn could be one of the best decisions that you ever make.