Hi! If you’re ready to start living your best life, become the best version of yourself and thrive, you’re in the right place!

I’m Marelisa Fábrega, owner of “Daring to Live Fully”. A few years ago I read a book called “The Art of Happiness – A Handbook for Life”, written by psychiatrist Howard C. Cutler, which contains tips and advice from the Dalai Lama on how to be happy.
In that book I discovered that the Dalai Lama believes that we need to educate ourselves on how to be happy. He indicates that the more sophisticated a person’s knowledge is about what truly leads to happiness and what doesn’t, the more effective they will be in achieving happiness.
After reading this pearl of wisdom I decided that I was going to educate myself on how to live my best life. That is, I wanted to identify, understand, and implement the factors that lead to a great life. In addition, I wanted to share my findings with others. And that’s what this blog is about.
If this blog had a life motto it would be: “Love yourself as you are, while striving to achieve your full potential.”
So, Who Am I?
I’m a recovering lawyer — I hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., as well as a Juris Doctor from the Georgetown University Law Center.
I currently live in the Republic of Panama — which is where I’m originally from, although I’ve lived all over the world.
I consider myself to be a modern-day Renaissance woman, meaning I have a broad knowledge base, am skilled in different fields, and I love learning new things. I’m an entrepreneur, a writer and blogger, a runner, a meditator, an art and culture lover, a world traveler, an avid reader, a weightlifter, multilingual, an autodidact, and a learning expert.
I’m also also a Qigong and Reiki practitioner, a self-development aficionado, a bucket list enthusiast, a productivity ninja, and a MOOC devotee. If you would like to learn more about me, go ahead and visit my post “Reverse Bucket List: 50 Things I’ve Already Done”.
Someday–many, many years from now- when I’m lying on my deathbed, I want to be able to say: “I had a great life! I lived! I truly lived! And I did it my way.”
This site is for people who want to:
- Be happier — I’m constantly keeping up with the field of positive psychology and sharing my finding on this blog.
- Stop procrastinating — procrastination can steal years from your life.
- Be more productive and get more of the important things done.
- Play and laugh more.
- Bring more creativity into their lives.
- Challenge themselves and expand their comfort zone.
- Learn new skills.
- Become more confident.
- Achieve their goals.
- Create positive habits.
- Become more mindful and serene.
- Be more authentic.
Does that also sound like you? Then I hope you’ll join me on this journey by subscribing to Daring to Live Fully. Just enter your name and email address below:
In addition, you can get started by taking a look at the most popular posts on this site, which are listed in the sidebar to the right.
Finally, take a look at my products and buy any you like:
- The One-Hour-A-Day Formula – How to Achieve Your Dreams in Just One-Hour-A-Day
- Make It Happen! A Workbook for Overcoming Procrastination and Getting the Right Things Done
- The Idea Book Bundle
- Guidebook of Dreams – 1000 Triggers For Uncovering Your Heart’s Desire
- Book of Possibilities – Powerful Exercises for Uncovering Your Heart’s Desire
- How to Live Your Best Life
If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at the following email address: marelisafabrega at gmail.com. Before you contact me, please note the following:
- I appreciate people wanting to write for my blog. However, I write all of the posts for “Daring to Live Fully” myself and I don’t accept guest posts.
- Please don’t send me links to your stuff–infographics, blog posts you’ve published, YouTube videos you’ve created, and so on–and ask me to share them on my blog. I couldn’t possibly accommodate all of the requests that I receive, so I don’t accept any of them (I think that’s a fair policy).
Otherwise, I’d love to hear from you. You can also connect with me on Twitter.
This blog has been featured in: Lifehack; Lifehacker; Problogger; The Change Blog; Pick the Brain; Dumb Little Man; The Huffington Post, and Write to Done.
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you stay a while. 🙂
Live your best life,