The first step in getting what you want is deciding what you want. And when you’re deciding what you want from life, the area of fitness and health cannot be left out. Fitness and health are the foundations upon which you build the rest of your life.
Use my eBook–“My Fitness and Health Bucket List Workbook”–to create a fitness bucket list that’s packed with fun ways to get fit, and to design an eating plan filled with healthy and delicious food.
This workbook is divided into the following five main areas:
- Fitness
- Sports
- Healthy Eating
- Well-being
- Bucket List
It has ideas and prompts to help you create a list of goals—or bucket list items—that will address every aspect of physical fitness:
- Health
- Physical Attractiveness
- Longevity
- Agility
- Balance
- Body Composition
- Cardiovascular Endurance
- Coordination
- Flexibility
- Muscle Endurance
- Muscular Strength
- Reaction Time
- Speed
- Healthy Eating
- Fitness Tests
- Disease Prevention
“My Fitness and Health Bucket List Workbook” is a 162-Page PDF with over 20,000 words. It contains 70 worksheets, 171 images, links to helpful web sites and videos, and over 1000 bucket list ideas to get your ideas flowing so that you can create a fantastic Fitness and Health Bucket List.
Here’s a sample:

“My Fitness and Health Bucket List Workbook” is a digital product, which means you’ll receive a download link immediately upon purchase (nothing will be shipped to you). It costs only $9.95. Buy it now!