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The Autodidact Manifesto – A Manifesto for Self-Learners

An autodidact is a self-taught person. In today’s world it’s vital to be one of those people who is capable of engaging in self-directed learning. For all the autodidacts out there, here’s a manifesto. (You can download the Autodidact Manifesto as a PDF—for free—further down below.)

autodidact manifesto

Today, being an autodidact is a must.

Throughout the ages there have been many successful people who have been autodidacts. Some of the world’s most famous autodidacts include the following:

  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Thomas Edison
  • Walt Disney
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Bill Gates

onehouradayformula banner longCurrently, being an autodidact is both easier and more important than ever. In fact, there are those who claim that we live in the golden age of self-directed learning, or the golden age of the autodidact. After all, the internet is packed with self-learning resources. These include online courses from the world’s top universities, online learning platforms, blogs devoted to teaching practically any subject you can think of, online book collections, and documentaries.

The Autodidact Manifesto

If you  haven’t read my blog post on how learning how to learn will radically tansform your life, I highly recommend you do so now. Then, download the Autodidact Manifesto below (free PDF), print it out, and hang it up where you can’t miss it.


You can achieve anything you want if you have the necessary skills. And if you don’t have the necessary skills, you can acquire them through self-learning. Live your best life by becoming an autodidact.


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