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Just For Today

just for todayThere are many things we would probably conclude we could not possibly do, if we had to do them for a lifetime.  However, we could do them, just for today.  Instead of trying to “tackle your whole life problem”–to paraphrase Kenneth L. Holmes–, and being burdened by yesterday’s mistakes and tomorrow’s worries, try living one day at a time and focusing just on today.

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique which involves transferring energy–Ki , or the life force–through the palms of the hand.  (I’m a second degree Reiki practitioner.)  The Reiki ideals are the following:

  • Just for today, I will let go of anger.
  • Just for today, I will let go of worry.
  • Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
  • Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
  • Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.

You would be amazed at the things you can do, just for today.

Things I Will Do, Just For Today

Here’s a list of things you could consider doing, just for today:

  • Just for today, I will be as cheerful as possible.
  • Just for today, I will read something that requires effort and concentration.
  • Just for today, I will pause when someone does something that upsets me, take a breath, and take a moment to decide how to best respond.
  • Just for today, I will plan out my day.
  • Just for today, I will not blame anyone else for my problems.
  • Just for today, I will not make excuses.
  • Just for today, I will take responsibility for everything that happens to me.
  • Just for today, I will take some action that will move me closer to my dreams.
  • Just for today, I will take twenty minutes for meditation, prayer, or reflection.
  • Just for today, I will take a risk and do something that’s outside my comfort zone.
  • Just for today, I will not speak harshly to anyone or raise my voice.
  • Just for today, I will look for ways to compliment others.
  • Just for today, I will be less critical and more tolerant of other people.
  • Just for today, I will place the best possible interpretation on the actions of others.
  • Just for today, I will act as if success were inevitable.
  • Just for today, I will refrain from labeling things as “good” or “bad”.
  • Just for today, I’m going to focus on the journey instead of the destination.
  • Just for today, I’m going to accept things as they are, instead of struggling with what is.
  • Just for today, I will do at least one activity mindfully, being fully present.
  • Just for today, I will exercise for half an hour.
  • Just for today, I will not put any junk food in my body.
  • Just for today, I will do something for someone else without any expectation of getting something in return.
  • Just for today, I will think of what is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praise-worthy.  (This is a paraphrase of Philippians 4:8.  It is also in line with what James Allen says in his book, “As a Man Thinketh”.)
  • Just for today, I will be patient.
  • Just for today, I will give someone who is struggling a word of encouragement.
  • Just for today, I’ll try not to change anyone.
  • Just for today, I’ll remember that everyone is doing the best that they can.
  • Just for today, I will belittle no one.
  • Just for today, I will stop trying to control events and other people.
  • Just for today, I will be kind to myself.
  • Just for today, I will cherish this day as if it were my last.
  • Just for today I will not put off until tomorrow something that I can do today.
  • Just for today I will carve out an hour of my time and invest it  in my future.

What do you plan to do, just for today?

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3. How Gratitude Can Change Your Life – 365 Thank Yous
4. How to Create Positive Karma

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