Thinking is nothing more than the process of asking and answering questions. Successful people are those who ask themselves better questions and, as a result, get better answers. Here are 99 powerful questions to ask yourself to turbocharge your life:
1. What do I want?
2. What am I grateful for?
3. What’s missing in my life?
4. Do I see the whole world anew each day?
5. Do I take the time to really listen to what others say?
6. Do I have fun?
7. How can I bring more joy into my life?
8. What do I want more of in my life?
9. What do I want less of in my life?
10. Am I on the look out for opportunities?
11. Do I seize opportunities?
12. Am I open-minded? Am I flexible?
13. Am I quick to judge others?
14. Do I take calculated risks?
15. Do I give others sincere compliments?
16. Do I appreciate what others do for me?
17. Where do I want to go?
18. Who do I want to meet?
19. What adventures do I want to go on?
20. Do I care too much about what others think of me?
21. Do I take offense too easily?
22. What makes me happy?
23. Do I procrastinate?
24. Do I stand up for myself?
25. Do I hold grudges?
26. Do I constantly dwell on the past?
27. Do I let other people’s negativity affect me?
28. Do I forgive myself?
29. Do I smile often?
30. Do I laugh often?
31. Do I surround myself with positive, life-affirming people who want the best for me?
32. Am I a positive, life-affirming person?
33. Am I giving enough time to nurturing/replenishing myself?
34. What is my secret ambition?
35. What do I want to be remembered for at the end of my life?
36. What does success mean to me?
37. How can I add value to the life of others?
38. How can I serve?
39. What can I do better than anyone else?
40. What are my top three strengths?
41. Am I moving in the direction of my dreams?
42. Do I tell others what I really want?
43. What does my ideal day look like?
44. Where do I want to be a year from now? Five years from now? Ten years from now? Twenty years from now?
45. What does my ideal living environment look like?
46. What would I do if I had no fear?
47. What would I do if money were not an object?
48. What excuses am I making?
49. Do I enjoy what I do on a daily basis?
50. Am I on the right path?
51. Am I kind to myself?
52. Am I kind to others?
53. Do I take things for granted?
54. Am I doing what matters most right now?
55. Is there an area in my life that needs more attention?
56. Do I make the best use of my time?
57. What can I do right now that would make the biggest difference in my life?
58. What am I avoiding?
59. What am I tolerating/putting up with?
60. Do I have specific, measurable goals with clear deadlines?
61. Do I keep the promises I make to myself?
62. Do I keep the promises I make to others?
63. For my life to be perfect, what would have to change?
64. What am I most looking forward to right now?
65. What activities do I perform that give me the least joy? Do they really need doing? Can I delegate or pay someone else to do them?
66. How can I simplify my life?
67. Do I see myself as a creative person?
68. Do I allow myself to be creative?
69. Can I be spontaneous?
70. Am I too critical of myself?
71. Am I too critical of others?
72. Do I look at problems from several different angles and perspectives?
73. What have I accomplished?
74. What are the major sources of stress in my life?
75. How can I reduce stress in my life?
76. Do I know where my money is going?
77. Do I have a handle on my finances?
78. Do I have a financial plan for the future?
79. Do I know where my time is going?
80. Have I created an efficient time management system for myself?
81. What are the three biggest priorities in my life?
82. Who are the most important people in the world to me?
83. Who loves me? Who cares for me?
84. Are my living and work areas organized in a way that serves me well?
85. Do I have a healthy lifestyle?
86. Am I carrying any emotional baggage?
87. Have I let go of the mistakes I’ve made in the past?
88. Do I give myself permission to fail?
89. Do I learn from my mistakes?
90. Do I rebound quickly when something goes wrong?
91. Do my beliefs serve me well?
92. Do I need to relax the rules I’ve set for myself and for others?
93. What childhood dreams have I been neglecting?
94. Where have I been giving my power over to others? What do I need to do in order to regain my power?
95. Who are my role models?
96. Am I being authentic? Do I allow myself to be me? Am I trying to be somebody I’m not?
97. What if . . . ?
98. Why not . . . ?
99. How can I . . . ?
Answer the questions above and get started living your best life.

Related Posts:
- 20 Questions to Ask Yourself
- Know Thyself! Use the Proust Questionnaire
- Ten Strategies for Overcoming the Negativity Bias and Increasing Your Quality of Life
- Five Ways to Make Friends and Get Along With Others
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What a great list! It inspired me to write an article about the questions that I ask myself on a regular basis. It’s probably gonna be published in my newsletter.
You are just amazing. I tell you that often but I love lists like this. They make me think and look within myself. One of these days I hope some of them take me to the top. Good job!
What a great way to do sef-introspection.I am really moved by the list which puts a reminder to ones self efficacies.