Freedom is found in applying the following principles:
1. Happiness is a choice I can make at any moment, regardless of circumstances. I don’t look outside of myself for happiness; I look within.
2. I recognize that any distress that I feel doesn’t come from what happens to me, but from the thoughts that I have about what happened. At the same time, I’m in full control of my thoughts.
3. I know that I can choose to act in a constructive manner, regardless of how I feel. Even if I can’t completely release any negative feelings I may be having, I can ask myself what needs to be done next, and I can go ahead and do it.
4. I define success for myself, instead of blindly chasing after society’s definition of success.
5. I know that remarkability lies in the edges. I allow myself to move toward the edge, and even beyond it.
6. I take responsibility for my life, and I understand that I create my life.
7. I decide what I want to create by setting goals that inspire me and fill me with a sense of purpose.
8. I decide how to use my resources—my time, energy, money, and so on. I choose to use my resources in order to move toward the attainment of my goals.
9. I know that it’s not about hoping for the right circumstances to present themselves, or waiting to acquire the necessary resources; it’s about creating the right circumstances and being more resourceful.
10. I don’t wait for a lucky break; I go out and make my own luck.
11. I live within my means. I keep my liquidity and remain nimble footed.
12. I create passive and residual sources of income so that I don’t have to trade my time for money.
13. I define “wealth” for myself, and I balance my material well-being with my spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being.
14. I clear my home from the accumulation of unused possessions and material things that clutter up my living space.
15. I don’t purchase material goods in order to impress others. I only acquire goods which I really need, or for the genuine enjoyment of the thing itself.
16. I don’t compare myself to others.
17. I place my attention on what I can control, instead of placing it on those things which I can’t control.
18. I know that I choose where to be, and I choose whether to stay or go.
19. I know that there is no such thing as the perfect life. I know that life is about setting goals which I consider to be meaningful, working toward achieving them, and enjoying the journey along the way.
20. I give myself the freedom to be less than perfect.
21. I release my need for ego self-aggrandizement and my need to uphold my own importance.
22. I simplify my life in every way I can.
23. I think for myself and I reach my own conclusions. I question the rules and the way things have always been done, and I decide for myself.
24. I work for the intrinsic satisfaction that comes from doing work that I love, not for external rewards or recognition.
25. I don’t wait to get permission from others in order to go after what I want; the only permission that I need is my own.
26. I allow myself the freedom to make mistakes. I don’t allow myself to be held prisoner by fear of failure.
27. I allow myself to be me; I’m true to myself. I’m not interested in being a second-class version of somebody else; I’m interested in being a first-class version of myself.
28. I don’t wait for something outside of myself to happen–such as getting a degree or a promotion, finding a life partner, or winning an award–, in order to feel good about myself. My self-esteem does not depend on external validation.
29. I question my beliefs to make sure that they’re serving me well. I’m not a slave to my current mental framework of how the world works.
30. I don’t listen to societal or cultural myths that try to dictate to me what I can or cannot do based on my gender, race, or age.
31. I treat my body with respect, care, and love, and I’m not interested in achieving some idealized version of what I should look like based on what’s portrayed in the media.
32. I’m comfortable setting boundaries and saying “no” to projects, tasks, and commitments that are not in alignment with my yearly and life goals.
33. I don’t worry about what others think of me. It’s OK if some people don’t like me.
34. I release myself from others’ expectations of me.
35. I don’t worry about trying to please everyone.
36. I release myself from past hurts and rid myself of any emotional baggage which may be weighing me down and holding me back. I refuse to hold on to grudges, harbor resentments, or nurse old wounds. I don’t allow the past to hold me captive.
37. I allow myself time for leisure and relaxation. I allow myself to have guilt-free play.
38. I don’t try to change the world; I focus on changing myself. I know that the best way to bring more peace, love, and tolerance into the world is to be more peaceful, more loving, and more tolerant.
39. I don’t struggle with the way things are. I know that everything in this moment is as it should be, and all I can do is take tiny steps toward creating a different future.
40. Just as I give myself the freedom to be who I am, I give others the freedom to be who they are.

Related Posts:
1. Get What You Want By Cultivating a Really Useful Attitude
2. 99 Powerful Questions to Ask to Turbocharge Your Life
3. How to Write a Personal Manifesto
4. 5 Life Lessons From Motivation Mega-Star Jim Rohn
5. 50 Characteristics of An Educated Person
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Great stuff Marelisa. The only problem with it is that I can’t figure out a way to set it up so I can print it out and still be able to read it on one sheet of paper. 🙂 And #38 is the one I’m shooting for.
Hi Mitch: Thank you. I’m not sure how to help you with the printing it on one page. I might turn it into a poster. 🙂
So on target, Marelisa,
I’m working on my own Living Free Manifesto to publish soon (as a precursor to some books I’ve been writing). You and I walk parallel paths. Though I’m not unhappy about my current age and the experience and wisdom my life has blessed me with, but, on occasion, I wish I were back in your age bracket so I could have more time to influence and assist others in learning what real freedom is all about and the happiness that is virtually automatic when you’re living free.
I’ve been subscribed to your blog for a while, now, and I have used your inspiration in a few of my own blog posts from time to time and included links to send my readers your way for a full “dose” of Marelisa. I’m going to add your blog to my blog roll because it’s a valuable resource for anyone looking to break away from the complicated, over consuming, over taxing world of the 21st Century.
I’m going to email you the links to a couple of the times I’ve noted your blog in mine. I don’t like people who blatantly self-promote their blogs on mine through my comment section (my spam filter usually catches them). Accordingly, I don’t do it to others, either.
Hi Ed: Thank you so much. I agree that freedom is an essential element of happiness, specially mental freedom. And I really appreciate that you share my blog posts with your readers. 🙂